Big Ten and Friends University
Space and Classroom Management Professionals
HEFMA, the Higher Education Facilities Management Alliance is a professional organization comprised of Big Ten University Space and Classroom Management professionals for the purpose of networking, collaboration, information-sharing and professional development.
HEFMA Board Members:
University of Nebraska
Email: jdohrman@nebraska.edu
Term Expires: Fall 2024
Campus facilities and space are an integral and expensive resource that has a dramatic impact on the ability of higher education institutions to accomplish our primary missions of instruction, research and public service.
The innovative, effective and efficient use of the campus facilities and the environment is a shared goal among member institutions and all of higher education.
The innovative, effective and efficient use as well as the creation of institutional facilities and work environments, conducive to the missions of higher education, is a complex and continually evolving process. This process must include the use of data analysis in decision making processes, creativity in problem solving, innovative experimental applications to address changing trends in higher education and respect for individual institutional cultures and priorities.
Each HEFMA member has knowledge, experiences and competencies that are invaluable to member institutions and higher education in the United States in general.
Each HEFMA member has a responsibility to provide leadership and consultation services about best practices toward improvement of the facilities planning and space management practices to address the changing trends in higher education.
To assist HEFMA institutions continually improve the processes of campus facilities planning and space management.
To promote information sharing and open communication among member institutions toward our goal of providing campus environments that enhance the ability to meet the missions of instruction, research and public service.
To protect requested individual institutional confidentially and promote the appropriate use of data that can be shared among member institutions.
To encourage the sharing of new knowledge, techniques, best practices and failures that is relevant to campus planning and space management.
To continually seek out and experiment with innovative and creative applications and techniques to support the continually evolving campus environments.