Fall Business Meeting
Thu, Nov 07
|Northwestern Univ. 348 Wieboldt Hall

Time & Location
Nov 07, 2019, 10:00 AM – Nov 08, 2019, 1:00 PM
Northwestern Univ. 348 Wieboldt Hall, 339 E Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60611, USA
About the event
Please click here for the Hilton Chicago registration.
Group Name: Higher Education Facilities Management Association
Group Code: HEF
Earliest check-in: 06-NOV-2019
Latest check-out: 09-NOV-2019
Hotel Name: Hilton Chicago/Magnificent Mile Suites
Hotel Address: 198 E. Delaware Place, Chicago, Illinois 60611-1719
Phone Number: (312) 664-1100
• Go to Hilton Chicago/Magnificent Mile Suites homepage
• Create web page for another group event (only one web page per event, per hotel)
Thursday, November 7, 2019
I. Welcome & Introductions 10:00 - 10:15
II. Institutional Information
i. Member Institution Review of Top 3 Current/Recent Projects (over $10M) 10:30 - 12:00
Please email your top 3 projects to hefmabigten@gmail.com so we can access and project them at the meeting. Presentations limited to less than 10 minutes, please.
Lunch is Served 12:00
Continuation of Institution Review of Top 3 Current/Recent Projects 12:15 - 1:15
III. HEFMA Fall Business Meeting 1:15 - 3:30
A. Verification of Quorum (5 Min) Eric Boatman
B. Approval of Minutes - Summer 2018 Business Meeting (15 Min) Chris Morett
C. Treasurer’s Report (15 Min) Andy Bolling
D. Board Member Elections – Eric Boatman and Sherri Boone’s terms expires (25 Min)
E. HEFMA Membership Policies (15 Min)
F. HEFMA Web Administration Discussion (20 Min)
G. Member Announcements – New hires, retirements, news (15 Min)
Break 3:35 - 3:45
IV. 2019 Summer Conference 3:45 - 3:50
A. Host institution comments/follow-up and member comments Ted Christy
V. 2020 Summer Conference & Future Events 3:50 - 4:00
A. 2020 University of Maryland: June 17-20, 2020 TBD
B. 2021 Pennsylvania State University
C. 2022 The Ohio State University
D. 2023 Michigan State University
VI. Member Institution Inquiries 4:00 – 5:00
A. Currently, we conduct the HEFMA Survey Bi-annually and the Classroom Survey on a less regular basis. What other surveys would we find helpful and do we want to conduct regularly?
B. Has anyone hired a third party leasing company and established a service agreement for high draw FF&E items such as furniture?
VII. Wrap Up and Dinner Destinations 5:00
Friday, November 8, 2019
Breakfast included in hotel accommodations
I. Member Institution Inquiries (Continued) 8:30 – 9:00
A. How are member institutions managing traditional lecture and auditoria? Are they repurposing them to ALC “turn and talks” or “tiered-pods”? How are decisions made about which lecture halls and auditoria to repurpose?
B. Has anyone pursued, successfully secured and maintained on-going funding from external stakeholders for the purpose of funding ongoing maintenance of existing general purpose classrooms? Has anyone used a college as a conduit to a donor to outline a contingency plan for securing funds for space renovation?
Technology Set Up 9:00 – 9:15
II. Break Out Sessions 9:15 – 10:15
A. Surveyor Review Session (Teleconference in room 348)
B. Roster Update/Member Surveys (Non-surveyors adjourn to room 347)
Break 10:15 – 10:30
III. Member Institution Inquiries (Continued) 10:30 – 12:00
IV. Motion to Adjourn 12:00
V. HEFMA Board Meeting
A. Incoming and Outgoing Board Members Convene 12:00 – 1:00